Elected leaders serve September 1-August 31 any given year. Teams are listed in alphabetical order:
A/V Committee: Mark Schlueter, Chair. Mark oversees the use of screens in worship and teaching in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall and also live streaming, recording, and archiving of worship services.
Church Council: Larry Neuenschwander, Chair. Church Council is made up of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, all the other Chairs, Pastor, and our Office Administrator. Council oversees all business aspects of the congregation.
Discipleship Team: Karen Grieser, Chair. This team encourages the congregation toward the best use of their personal and congregational resources to support the Great Commission and Jesus’ injunction that “Whatever you do to the least of these, you have done to Me.” (Mt. 25:40) Discipleship Team oversees the Food Pantry and any stewardship emphasis. Pictured below 1st row, left to right: Chris Schlueter, Karen Grieser, Marilyn Dachenhaus. 2nd row: Sue Boysel, Edith Beachy.

Education Team: The Education Team helps Pastor with planning and carrying out of all Christian Education and Bible Classes. Wednesday Night Youth, Confirmation, all other Bible Classes, Jr. and Sr. High Youth Groups, and any other Christian teaching in the congregation are this team’s purview. An Elder is ex-officio (out of the office) part of this team.
Elders Team: Roger Behnfeldt, Chair. The Elders are responsible for the overall spiritual life of the congregation. An Elder is to be present at all worship services. The Elders work with Pastor in praying for, encouraging, and challenging the congregation to follow God’s lead, as well as visitation and contact with inactive and active members. Current Elders are Roger Behnfeldt, Harold Boysel and Mike Beachy.
Finance Committee: Bev Schlosser, Chair. The finance committee finds ways to use financial resources in the most responsible way.
Preschool Team: Adriane Baldwin and Bev Schlosser. The Preschool Team oversees all aspects of Emmaus Christian Preschool, including making policy, hiring staff, budget, curriculum, and overall ministry goals.
Trustees Team: Jeff Flory Chair, Leo Rabe and Don Prather. The Trustees oversee the physical plant, land, and contracts of the congregation. They handle the physical things so that the congregation can focus on spiritual things.
Worship Committee: Ginni Neuenschwander, Chair. Worship Committee advises the Elders, who have final say. Worship Committee is made up of people in the congregation who are involved with conducting the worship services, including but not limited to: Altar Guild, Administrator, Banners, Ushers, Sound Booth, Bells, Youth, Praise Team, Videography/Livestreaming, Organist, Pastor, and others.