There are many ways to serve one’s LORD day-to-day with family, co-workers, and those we meet. Here are some ways that you can serve at Emmaus as the LORD leads you:
- Reader
- Greeter
- Altar Guild
- Praise Team
- Audio/Video Booth
- Screen Advancement
- Prayer Chain
- Community Meal Volunteer
- Wednesday Night Youth Helper (Snacks, games, crafts)
- Vacation Bible School Volunteer
- Food Pantry
- Sunday Fellowship
- Sunday rides to worship
- Visitation
- Usher
- Quilter
- And many more!
If you are interested in any of the above contact the Church Office M-Th 8 a.m.-1 p.m. and we will get you connected! If the opportunity has an underline link, click on it and it will take you to a description of the group or the signup page.
Worship Tech Training